So, you want to work with YOUR Guru?

Your Google Guru Robin C. Stern speaking into a microphone on a stage. #yourgoogleguru #robincstern #brainstorming


Check out when and where Robin's next $10 training will take place. Sign up now!


We have many different ways to engage with us. It all starts with a conversation.

Click below and pick a time to chat!

#instigatorofaha, #yourgoogleguru #yourgoogleguru #robincstern #brainstorming
#yourgoogleguru #robincstern #brainstorming


Wanna show off your Googleness? Grab a tshirt and tell the world!


Getting your business online and learning how to navigate the world of websites is one thing, but we are going to make you a master of your own destiny and show you how to create your future. Click below to get signed up for our 4 page website building program!

#yourgoogleguru #robincstern #brainstorming
#yourgoogleguru #robincstern #brainstorming


Not quite sure of which direction to go? Need to come up with a tagline, logo, colors and or your brand image? With 40 years' experience, Robin can help your business show up and show off! Let's GOOOOOO!!


Ready to get to work? The button below will get you started on your path to total Google Business mastery!

#yourgoogleguru #robincstern #brainstorming
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YOUR Google Guru, a division of iluvmygeek

Dallas, GA



Looking for us online?

Just Google the hashtag #yourgoogleguru. You will find all things related to our brand. (This is another neat little trick we teach you in branding your business - ask us about this today!)